2021 National Wildlife Photo - Files Offline-
First Name
Last Name
Photo Subject (Describe.)
Trumpeter Swans Landing in Skagit County, Washington
When was this image taken? (Please state month or time of year.)
January 12, 2015
Where was this photo taken? (Please specify city, state, country, etc.)
Skagit County, Washington State
Photo Story
I was trying out my new camera and went looking for pictures. I came upon a field full of swans and pulled over. For the next half hour the swans put on an air show for me - taking off and landing. They seemed undisturbed by my presence and let me click image after image of them. It was magic.
Camera Equipment
Samsung WB350F/WB351F/WB352F 30mm
Specify Digital Alterations
I cropped this one and I think I added some saturation to it.