2021 National Wildlife Photo - Files Offline-
First Name
Last Name
Photo Subject (Describe.)
Otter Family in Bellingham, Washington
When was this image taken? (Please state month or time of year.)
November 2, 2015
Where was this photo taken? (Please specify city, state, country, etc.)
Bellingham, Washington
Photo Story
This was a magic day. I went up to Bellingham for a walk along the bay and this family of otters scrambled out of the water and onto a piece of driftwood on the beach. They were full of joy - tumbling over each other and playing - and they brought a grin to my face that probably lasted for the next week.
Camera Equipment
Samsung WB350F/WB351F/WB352F 30mm
Specify Digital Alterations
I cropped this one and worked with the contrast, midtone, and saturation to bring out the details.